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In This Village in India, Leopards and Humans Co-Exist Peacefully: Jawai

In a world where tales of human-wildlife conflict often dominate headlines, there exists a remarkable village called ‘Jawai’ nestled in the heart of Rajasthan, India, that defies all expectations.

Jawai, a mere four-hour drive from the majestic city of Udaipur, is a testament to the extraordinary bond that can flourish between humans and one of nature's most majestic creatures - the leopards. This is a story of coexistence, a tale of harmony that has endured for over a century, and an invitation to witness the magic of Jawai firsthand in India.

In the first half of 2021, 102 leopards were poached, and 22 were killed by villagers. Between 2012 and 2018, 238 leopards were killed in Rajasthan alone. Media reports of leopard attacks on humans are alarmingly frequent. However, in Jawai, their bond flourishes.

Wildlife experts’ credit this to the bond between leopards and Rabaris. The Rabaris, who migrated from Iran over a millennium ago, share their land with about 50 leopards, hyenas, desert foxes, wild boars, antelopes, and other wildlife.

With the help of The Brij Pola, Jawai, our abode in Jawai, we interacted with these Rabaris, pictured above, often known as locals who have accepted leopards as a an important part of Jawai. The leopards find sufficient prey on this land and feel safe. Local advocates in this village stress on the need for declaring the area a community reserve under the 2003 Amendment to the Indian Wildlife Protection Act. This status would support community-based biodiversity initiatives, allowing villagers to control local development, limit hotel construction, prohibit night safaris, and promote sustainable tourism.

Jawai is more than just a destination; it is a symbol of hope, a living testament to the power of harmony between humans and nature. It is an amalgamation of culture, history and tradition something which The Brij Pola, Jawai, has beautifully captured through their luxury abode incorporating just seven tents. Overlooking one of the main leopard caves, The Brij Pola Jawai, is a blend of nature and luxury with curated experiences for travellers looking beyond just exploring these leopard caves. Our team stayed at the Villa overlooking the Pola hill keeping us on our toes to watch-out for Leopard Jiya and her cubs.

Brij Jawai
Brij Pola Jawai's luxury tent overlooking the Pola caves
A broader view of villa, The Brij Pola, Jawai
The Infinity Pool inside the villa overlooking the Pola Hills where the cubs are often spotted

Once we were done exploring these leopard caves with our Naturalist Dayal Singh Rajawat, The Brij Pola organised a "Dinner under the star" themed dinner for us taking us through the delectable Marwari cuisine scintillating our taste-buds. The ambience was serene: with stars twinkling under the clean and pristine air of Jawai; lamps lighting our way to the top of the hill; and the aroma of the traditional Marwari cuisine.

Dinner under the stars by Brij Pola, Jawai

After our magical dinner, beneath the sky, The Brij Pola, continued to amaze us with its carefully planned experiences. The next day started with an adventure to discover the Jawai Dam area. As the sun slowly rose and painted the sky in shades of gold and pink hues, we observed the variety of wildlife that resides in this area; from crocodiles to antelopes protecting their land. The safari ended with a surprise brunch set amidst the hills providing views of the landscape as we enjoyed a delicious selection of local and international dishes.

Jawai Dam
Jawai Dam Safari
Farm to table
Farm to Table Experience amidst the Leopard Caves

Brij Pola Jawai is a symbol of luxury that aims to create experiences like these, for guests in every detail of the property design and guest interaction. The meticulous attention and genuine hospitality of the staff makes each visitor feel uniquely valued at the resort. Priced between ₹50,000 to ₹75,000 per night, it offers an experience that aligns with its premium status offering 24*7 personal butler for the duration of your stay. There is a touch to each villa as a secluded retreat that combines luxury with traditional Rajasthani charm. The resorts dedication to offering adventures ranging from wildlife safaris to cultural interactions elevates it beyond just accommodation – it becomes a unique destination, in its own right. Combining luxury living with nature and culture to create lasting memories, for its esteemed visitors.


You can check out the property here:


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