The Man Who Sold The Taj Mahal Thrice
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This Man Planted An Entire Forest "Alone" in 40 years: Forest Man of India

At the break of dawn Jadav Payeng emerged from his abode, on Majuli, the river island in India’s Brahmaputra greeted by the gentle rays of the rising sun. Carrying a bag filled with saplings as he had done faithfully for over 40 years, the 56-year-old embarked on his ritual of tending to the forest he had painstakingly planted and nurtured handedly.

Forest man of india
Forest Man of India (Image: Rashmi Writes)

Jadav’s remarkable journey commenced in 1979 when he was just 16-years-old. While strolling along Majuli’s shores a heartbreaking scene unfolded before him. Scores of lifeless snakes scattered across the parched land, casualties of a merciless drought. This haunting sight etched itself into Jadav's memory sparking a sense of purpose that would shape his entire existence."I can still vividly recall that moment"reflected Jadav softly running his weathered fingers over a tender leaf."I was 16 then. I felt compelled to take action. The land was pleading for assistance."

With resolve that defied his youthfulness Jadav made a vow. To plant one tree each day. It appeared like a gesture amid the terrain almost naively optimistic, in its simplicity. In accordance, with the wisdom of a saying "The optimal moment to plant a tree was two decades past. The next best time is now." With that in mind Jadav embarked on his journey.

Time passed days melded into weeks transitioned into months and before long years had slipped by. The barren sandbar underwent a metamorphosis. Initially came the bamboo shoots, followed by flora. As the trees flourished so did the fauna. The melodious tunes of returning birds filled the atmosphere. Deer began to explore the burgeoning greenery. Even a group of elephants sought refuge in this forest sanctuary for three months annually."It felt like witnessing a transformation."Jadav remarked with a glint of pride in his eyes. "Nature possesses an ability to rejuvenate itself if only given an opportunity."

Forest man of india
Jadav planting a sapling (Image: Forest man of India/Instagram)

For years on end Jadav toiled tirelessly in solitude his endeavours unbeknownst to the world. However, fate took a turn in 2007. A local photographer, meandering along the fringes of Majuli island chanced upon Jadavs forest haven. Astonished by what he beheld he penned an article that captured the interest of both the government and nation as a whole.

Suddenly thrust into the limelight was this man, from Majuli island. Honors and accolades soon followed suit culminating in his deserved moniker as "India’s Forest Man."Jadav’s tale became widely known sparking the creation of a children’s book and documentaries.

However, for Jadav the true satisfaction came from observing the effects of his efforts. The forest, now sprawling across 1,390 acres served as a shield, against Majulis erosion threat. His creative strategies, such as planting coconut trees to combat soil erosion offered hope not for the island but for the global battle against climate change.

Jadav Peyang
A sneak peek of the Forest Jadav has planted

"We are all interconnected " Jadav often remarked while pointing to the flourishing ecosystem surrounding him. "What benefits the forest benefits us all."As the sun rose higher in the sky Jadav persisted in his routine of planting and caring for his trees. Despite gaining fame he stayed committed to his cause. To him each young tree symbolized a commitment to the future—a gesture of faith amidst daunting obstacles.

Jadav Peyang
Jadav Peyang looking after his produce

Tourists from corners of the world now journey to witness Molai Forest—a tribute to Jadav's legacy. They stroll through the woods admiring the biodiversity that has thrived under his eye. For visitors it serves as a reminder of what one individual can accomplish through foresight, dedication and profound reverence, for our planet.

As the day came to an end Jadav stood by the edge of his area observing the sun as it cast a mix of pink tones across the sky. Reflecting on his path to this moment. Starting as a young person planting his sapling and evolving into the "Forest Man of India."


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